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Table of Contents

Terroryzm - studia, analizy, prewencja, 2022, Numer 1 (1) , s. 238


K. Wacławek, Foreword by the Head of the Internal Security Agency

Terroryzm - studia, analizy, prewencja, 2022, Numer 1 (1) , s. 239-240


D. Szlachter, Foreword by Editor-in-Chief

Terroryzm - studia, analizy, prewencja, 2022, Numer 1 (1) , s. 241-242


K. Karolczak,Terrorism in the 21st century - selected aspects

Terroryzm - studia, analizy, prewencja, 2022, Numer 1 (1) , s. 243-261
DOI 10.4467/27204383TER.22.009.15425


P. Burczaniuk, Legal aspects of combating terrorism in the Polish legal system against the background of challenges shaped by European legislation

Terroryzm - studia, analizy, prewencja, 2022, Numer 1 (1) , s. 262-296
DOI 10.4467/27204383TER.22.010.15426


M. Cichomski, I. Idzikowska-Ślęzak, Strategic level of the Polish anti-terrorist system – 15 years of the Interministerial Team for Terrorist Threats

Terroryzm - studia, analizy, prewencja, 2022, Numer 1 (1) , s. 297-319
DOI 10.4467/27204383TER.22.011.15427


J. Łukasiewicz, Unmanned aerial vehicles as a source of threats to the state’s electricity supply infrastructure and the proposed methods of protecting this infrastructure

Terroryzm - studia, analizy, prewencja, 2022, Numer 1 (1) , s. 320-349
DOI 10.4467/27204383TER.22.012.15428


A. Olech, Unique solutions of the French Republic in the fight against terrorism and radicalisation

Terroryzm - studia, analizy, prewencja, 2022, Numer 1 (1) , s. 350-392
DOI 10.4467/27204383TER.22.013.15429


A. Rożej, The role and importance of information from open sources in increasing vulnerability to security threats in cyberspace, with particular reference to cyberterrorism

Terroryzm - studia, analizy, prewencja, 2022, Numer 1 (1) , s. 393-424
DOI 10.4467/27204383TER.22.014.15430


A. Sybicki, Anti-terrorist protection of places of worship

Terroryzm - studia, analizy, prewencja, 2022, Numer 1 (1) , s. 425-452
DOI 10.4467/27204383TER.22.015.15431


Terrorism Prevention Centre of Excellence – a new department within the counter-terrorism strand of the Internal Security Agency

Terroryzm - studia, analizy, prewencja, 2022, Numer 1 (1) , s. 453-456
DOI DOI: 10.4467/27204383TER.22.016.15432


About the Authors

Terroryzm - studia, analizy, prewencja, 2022, Numer 1 (1) , s. 457-458


“Terrorism - studies, analysis, prevention” No. 1 - online version

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