Publishing House,Peer-review-procedure.html
03.07.2024, 07:22
  1. Manuscripts submitted to the Publishing House of the Internal Security Agency are subject to content-related evaluation by at least two reviewers.
  2. Authors and reviewers are anonymous to each other (double-blind review process).
  3. The process of review is conducted via filling up the Review form of a manuscript submitted for publication in the Publishing House of the Internal Security Agency and sending its electronic version to:
  4. In the case of collective publications (e.g. scientific monographs), reviewers may prepare a synthetic description of the entire material, as well as review each of the texts included in it.
  5. In exceptional cases reviewers may be required to submit Reviewer’s declaration of no conflict of interest between the reviewer and the author of the manuscript submitted for publication in the Publishing House of the Internal Security Agency in its electronic version to:
  6. During the process of evaluation, reviewers analyse the original and creative presentation of issues, the relevance of manuscript’s content, comprehensibility and consistency of theses and conclusions, manuscript’s structure, its applicability to current research methods, topics and cited literature as well as the references applied.
  7. Reviews unequivocally state whether an manuscript should be accepted for publication (without changes or including changes suggested by reviewers) or not.
  8. In case of receiving two mutually exclusive reviews, the Publishing House of the Internal Security Agency appoints another reviewer (or other reviewers). On the basis of all the reviews the Publishing House of the Internal Security Agency decides whether the manuscript should be published or not.
  9. The reviews are the internal documents of the Publishing House of the Internal Security Agency.

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