Publishing House,Information-for-authors.html
03.07.2024, 07:27
  1. The Publishing House of the Internal Security Agency accepts for publication manuscripts on the history of the Polish special services as well as the statutory tasks of the Internal Security Agency.
  2. Manuscripts should be sent to:
  3. By submitting manuscripts to the Publishing House of the Internal Security Agency, authors agree to their content (substantive) editing, copyediting (line editing) and proofreading, in accordance with linguistic standards and Polish publishing requirements. Authors also consent to the information about the publication being published in databases and on the Internal Security Agency official website.
  4. Authors of the manuscripts that have been qualified for publishing sign agreements on the transfer of copyrights to the publisher.
  5. Authors are required to submit Author’s consent for the publication of the manuscript in the Publishing House of the Internal Security Agency in its electronic version to:
  6. Co-authors are required to submit Co-author's consent for the publication of the manuscript in the Publishing House of the Internal Security Agency in its electronic version to:
  7. Authors and co-authors are required to provide their ORCID IDs.
  8. The Publishing House of the Internal Security Agency does not return the submitted manuscripts and reserves the right to refuse to publish them without giving a reason.

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