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Table of Contents

"Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego", 2023, Numer 29 (15), s. 5-7

Foreword by Editor-in-Chief

"Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego", 2023, Numer 29 (15), s. 239-240


Articles in English

J.Ł. Keplin, Building state resilience against hybrid activities

"Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego", 2023, Numer 29 (15), s. 241-266

DOI 10.4467/20801335PBW.23.029.18771

A.M. Dyner, The mirror principle in assessing hybrid threats emanating from Russia and Belarus

"Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego", 2023, Numer 29 (15), s. 267-290

DOI 10.4467/20801335PBW.23.030.18772

M. Świerczek, Working methods of the Russian secret services in the light of the Oleg Kulinich case

"Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego", 2023, Numer 29 (15), s. 291-322

DOI 10.4467/20801335PBW.23.031.18773

J. Kozłowski, Practical dimension of issues related to assessing the reliability of sources and the trustworthiness of data and information

"Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego", 2023, Numer 29 (15), s. 323-358

DOI 10.4467/20801335PBW.23.032.18774

D. Smrgała, Indicator analysis as a way for the Second Department of Polish General Staff to counter the risk of chemical warfare being unleashed by Germany in the 1920s

"Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego", 2023, Numer 29 (15), s. 359-372

DOI 10.4467/20801335PBW.23.033.18775

B. Piasecki, Anomalies in the activities of counterintelligence services. The case of the Republic of Latvia

"Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego", 2023, Numer 29 (15), s. 373-386

DOI 10.4467/20801335PBW.23.034.18776

P. Kosmaty, Assassination attempt on the life of the President of the Republic of Poland pursuant to Article 134 of the Criminal Code

"Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego", 2023, Numer 29 (15), s. 387-406

DOI 10.4467/20801335PBW.23.035.18777



"The Internal Security Review" No. 29 (2023) - full version online


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