The Internal Security Agency,Our-Mission.html
05.12.2024, 19:37

The Internal Security Agency (Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego) is a government institution which, under Polish law, is responsible for the internal security of the Republic of Poland.

It accomplishes its mission through carrying out its statutory tasks, as follows:

1) Investigation, prevention and combating threats against the State’s internal security, its constitutional order, and specifically its sovereignty and international position, independence and territorial integrity, as well as national defence;

2) Investigation, prevention and detection of the crimes of:

a) Espionage;
b) Terrorism;
c) Breach of State secrets;
d) Crimes which may damage State security;
e) Crimes which may damage economic foundations of the State;
f) Corruption of public officials (...) which may pose a threat to the State’s security;
g) Crimes connected with production of and trade in goods, technologies and services of strategic importance for the State’s security;
h) Illegal production and possession of and trade in arms, ammunition and explosives, weapons of mass destruction as well as narcotics and psychotropic substances in international trade and prosecuting individuals who commit such crimes;

3) Carrying out, within the limits of its powers, the tasks of the state security authority and performing the function of the national security authority in relation to the protection of classified information in international relations;

4) Collection, analysis, processing and reporting to appropriate bodies information which may be significant to the protection of the State’s internal security and its constitutional order;

5) Carrying out other tasks specified in separate laws and international agreements.

While eliminating threats to the State’s internal security, the ISA follows strictly the spirit and rule of law.
